

Birgit Brenner, Martin Gross, Stef Heidhues, Christine Hill, Carsten Nicolai,
Olaf Nicolai, Neo Rauch, Brett Charles Seiler, Felix Leon Westner
m.T. *
November 4 - December 17, 2022
Galerie EIGEN + ART Leipzig

*mit Text

On view are works by Brigit Brenner, Martin Gross, Stef Heidhues, Christine Hill, Carsten Nicolai, Olaf Nicolai, Neo Rauch, Brett Charles Seiler, and Felix Leon Westner, in which image and text are linked in very different ways. When does a text cease to be a text, and when does an image cease to be an image? Where lies the boundary between the two? And how far can such boundaries be surpassed?

