Shonah Trescott


// Shonah Trescott

In her works, the Australien artist Shonah Trescott moves between the genres of figuration and landscape. She treats her motives wild and effusively, and draws on a wide range of references: from 17th-century French Classicism to contemporary environmental concerns. Further, Trescott is dealing with her own experiences in remote and fragile landscapes such as the Arctic, where she lived and worked for several months during a scholarship in 2012.

In her current works, Shonah Trescott additionally refers to the motif of the hunt – a familiar theme in the fine arts that already inspired artists like Paolo Uccelo, Pieter Bruegel, Peter Paul Rubens, Delacroix and Courbet. The small and medium format works invite us into a tumultuous world of oppositions and tensions, passion, fury, fear and elation. The abstract and the recognizable meet one another in atmospherically charged pictures.

Shonah Trescott was born in Maitland/New South Wales, Australien in 1982. She studied painting at the National Art School in Sydney. Her work was exhibited in various National and International venues and presented in a solo show in New Positions - section (Fwörderkoje) at the Art Cologne in 2010. In 2015, she had a solo show at the Museo de Arte Contemporáneo de Puerto Rico. She had various working grants since 2005 with residencies in Paris, Leipzig and Berlin. In 2012, she held a scholarship from the Alfred Wegener Institute, connectcted with an artist-inresidence programme in the Arctic. 
Shonah Trescott lives and works in Puerto Rico und Berlin.

On Saturday, 31 August 2024, the gallery in Leipzig will be closed for installation.
